Friday, April 16, 2010

Finding the Community You Want

"Keep in mind that our community is not composed of those who are already saints....Therefore let us be extremely patient with each other's faults and failures." - Mother Teresa

Our westernized world has shifted from a village mindset to a state of shared isolation, such that disconnectedness is a common problem. Community is life's puzzle piece that can sustain the emotional and spiritual tapestries of extended family and kindred-spirits, while creating in the physical.

Community honors the individual while offering a sense of Oneness that transcends. All people are affected by the actions of communities, whether the writing of the US Constitution or the help of a neighbor during crisis. Communities support actions with passion behind them and it's important that we honor our passions! Each is responsible for creating the community desired, but some find difficulty in taking steps. Communities are waiting to be called together!

Defining the passion. From as simple as, "I love movies," to as involved as, "I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony." Community can take infinite forms- anything on the spectrum from walking buddies to the global community we all share in. It can be an activity or discussion group, a performance ensemble, a social change movement or swap meet. It's not all about 60s housing experiments.

Declaring an intention. "I'm finding movie pals." The key is our intention. An intentional community is one that consciously forms and/ or sustains itself. The clearer one is, to oneself and others, about what is wanted, the easier the situation will manifest in the physical as it's wanted.

Finding others. Post on bulletin boards. Tell everyone! The passion is that which draws together. Like attracts like, as the passion magnetizes connections.

Defining the group. "We meet 1st Mondays to watch and discuss movies at someone's house." Setting the who, when and where, and group life span will energetically make it happen. "I'll call you or you call me" will deplete the energy.

Making it sustainable. "Before each movie, we check in with each other." Creating guidelines for everything important to the group will keep it happening.

Live and let live. Be patient and forgiving. Community is interaction and self-discovery. It is an organism of learning and healing, as the group allows it!

If it's something bigger one is called to do, like trying a new sport, addressing a city problem, or finding others who share a discreet issue, then one must be clear with one's intentions, so all efforts communicate that intention. This type of energy is contagious and will attract the right others.

Declaring what one wants magnetizes those in that "community" together.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Money Love

"I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love."
– Lennon/ McCartney

With the economy shaky and fears about all the things once thought to be stable called into question, these are times when people may struggle with how to spend their money. They may look at options they may know compromise their health or their environment.

There are some entities that offer streamlined services to help keep schedules intact and products to help keep budgets intact, although their intentions may not be for the highest good. It appears one has to make a choice between one's bank account and one's ideals.

This is third dimensional thinking. By raising one's conception of money and the exchange of energy that happens when money is transferred, the idea of what money is gets turned on its head.

One hits an energetic wall when one conceptualizes money as something “to get as much with as one can.” If the intention is to “stretch X dollars as far as they will go”, then the real value of that money is highly limited and quickly lost. What is received for it may be of questionable quality but, more importantly, due to the limitation the exchange is set to, it cannot offer us very much energetically.

One can view their use of money from a step back, as though it were an extension of the heart, and a tool used for connection. When one spends money, one is “voting” with it and saying, “I support or believe in or love this product, or this company or this lifestyle choice.” In this way there is an exchange where one is both receiving a product or service, and is also, by their action, directing energy back to what one truly appreciates and supports. And in this way, the consumer, gets even more from a single exchange, adding a dimension to it.

By being conscious of one's use of money is this way, one becomes more energized in the positive flow of money and in the capacity to manifest what one truly wants in their life.

Is saving money on a liter of soda a hearts desire? Are local businesses who keep jobs and money flowing in the local community a hearts desire? Where your heart is, abundance will flourish in and around you.

This consciousness about money is not about it being a moral issue. It is not akin to someone cheating on their diet. It is about whether we want to promote and empower our own capacity to choose and create and to pass that energy along to those people and entities who make our lives richer.

Just as one cannot get or “make love” without giving love, one cannot “make money” without investing themselves in the process.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Your Path is THIS Way

“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.” – Charlie Chaplin

“How do I get back on my soul’s path?” and “How do I even know I am on it?”

These questions are commonly asked by people in their quest of their life path. One may feel they have lost sight of their path for days— sometimes decades!

It is common to feel “off the path”, as the path's inherent obstacles trigger what is dormant to the surface. These are situations one might rather forget. However, one can see them as “stories of folly”, supplanting bitterness (negative energy) about past events! This way more light is brought in. As one can see illnesses as metaphors for what the body is saying, one can look at whatever “unlikely” situations they have found themselves in, as indicators of the path's landscape.

One very brave client of mine volunteered his work stories for this exercise:

*Went on camping trip as mental health worker with adult psychiatric population and was threatened by client with hatchet.
*Was met by gang members looking to kill my client, a former member of that gang, at his court date.
*Was threatened by senior partner at law firm for writing letter-to-the-editor on company computer after hours.
*Was told that not attending the non-profit agency's “mandatory fun” millenium party, would put my job at risk.
*Was laughed at in supervision, by boss, regarding rumors she had heard about my then-ending relationship.
*Worked on crew assembling Port-A-Potty units.
*Worked on assembly line building video games for company with guy in cloak building special weapons for the military next to the line.
*Was unloading truckload of high-end furniture when stack of boxes nearly crushed me to death.
*Was given only overalls to wear over my summer clothes to remove ice from cold storage warehouse where the temperature was below zero.

“Wow,” he sighed, after recounting them. He had felt many times and for long periods that he was “off” his soul’s path. Truthfully, the universe was guiding him all along. Having his job security threatened, as well as finding his well-being physically threatened, could have indicated that he was not practicing adequate self-care—or doing work that brought him joy!

By taking a step back and accepting the signs he was receiving, he got affirmations about his path direction. This included improving work situations by becoming more assertive in job interviews and evaluations, learning to say no to jobs that were not a good fit, and ultimately creating work that met his needs and brought him joy!

When feeling stuck, in any situation:
Listing the most uncomfortable memories will highlight patterns.
Laughing heals. Very important. This step is not to be skipped without consent of one's higher self!
Affirming what has probably been known or sensed, empowers.
Choosing to not take it personal, shifts! This is life unfolding and the universe providing.
Creating the situations that are path-aligned, uplifts!

There can be comfort in knowing one is never really off the path. One can always learn more about oneself by looking at the patterns and places one has gone that have not met needs best. In this way, one may let a little lightness and humor shine through.