Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Time of Great Shifts

This is a time of great shifts. In order for your physical bodies to shift along with the energetic advances and leaps of your more subtle bodies, some physical shocks may be in order.

These may occur in the form of illness, such as seasonal illness, unexplainable body discomfort and, yes, even physical accidents.

This is not said to scare you but to affirm the experiences you are having and that of those around you.

Ascension is a beautiful, natural process, but like other occurrences in nature, it sometimes comes in the form of abruptness and is sometimes non-ordinary or even unpleasant.

Of course, we, your guides are always with you to assist you in the process, but it is not our place to prevent things from happening altogether or to alter your path: shifts in vibration , karma, or in your emotional body may appear violent, painful or scary.

We urge you to remember that all shifts are shifts and occur as they are needed and are part of the dream that is 3rd dimensional.

When a shift occurs that is unpleasant, we might suggest that you look at the dreamlike aspects of it, as those (5th or higher dimensional experiences of it) are as close to the truth of the event as what you experience in your more wakeful state.

Blessings to you, our brothers & sisters.

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