Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Truth is -Right Here-

"You can't handle the truth."

If by that you mean with my hands, then maybe you're right.

Star-beings or aliens. How do we know they're out there, without the Dale Coopers and Fox Mulders?

Well, previous to my going public with my sharing my own experiences (reference my last blog post, Spiritual Mentorship), I didn't have a lot to work with.

So, I would say two things: 1) Christopher Walken, 2) Insects.

About Insects
The last place I lived in NJ, outside of Montclair, I noticed a praying mantis on the tree stump in front of the house. At first, I didn't think much about it, but after three days of being in the same place, I felt I needed to go over and have a visit.

When I got close and knelt down, I had the experience of seeing something for the first time. I felt like I was intruding on someone. It was not green, it was silver. Its color made its head look like a space helmet. It was doing T'ai Chi.

I'm not kidding. I studied Chen style T'ai Chi Ch'uan, the original style, which dates back to the 17th century, with Master Guang Yi Ren at the time. Master Ren is the senior disciple of the 19th generation standard bearer of the Chen family style. Reference this video of Master Ren, apparently, rather than pining for me, he has taken up with another musician student. (

The praying mantis (PM) looked over at me in mid-posture. I was definitely intruding. She said something telepathically but I don't know what.

Looking at this intelligent creature in mid-pose, holding court for three day in my front yard, it suddenly became very clear that I was in the presence of a being with a consciousness I knew nothing about. I felt humbled and almost embarrassed to be a human kicking around on my lawn without much of a clue.

I telepathically told her that I honored whoever she was and whyever she was there. I asked if she was a space traveler. Her stillness became almost intimidating if I read into it. Maybe she was a very high being doing lightwork to save us all. She responded by continuing her T'ai Chi form, while keeping an eye on me. She was gone the next day. Absolutely true.

Who Are They
I left NJ over 15 years ago and one of the many remarkable things about life in the desert is that I continue to see species of insects I've never seen before. A few weeks ago, I saw three in one day.

Since that meeting in my yard with that astronaut from another dimension, I always wonder what each of them carries as their unique special power. I mean on that scale in this world, you have to have to be able to attack or create aversion somehow! So I ask them: do you fly, hop, spit, sting, bite, explode, glow, scream or...just watch me?

And if the insects don't expand your consciousness, watch that NOVA doc on cuttlefish. We are not all from the same planet.

Blessings & Cheers,


  1. This is so true! Thank you for your observation- the insects thank you too! And Christopher Walken, yeah, of course!

  2. this was a pleasure to read. lady bugs as well as praying mantis have been totems for me for over 20 years. unfortunately, with the spraying of toxins against the West Nile virus in the jersey/nyc area, alot of these insects have seemed to vanish. i havent seen many fireflies nor have i heard many crickets this year..:-(

  3. Thanks, Emily and Jimmy. I do honor them, although I don't comprehend them.
