Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Money Love

"I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love."
– Lennon/ McCartney

With the economy shaky and fears about all the things once thought to be stable called into question, these are times when people may struggle with how to spend their money. They may look at options they may know compromise their health or their environment.

There are some entities that offer streamlined services to help keep schedules intact and products to help keep budgets intact, although their intentions may not be for the highest good. It appears one has to make a choice between one's bank account and one's ideals.

This is third dimensional thinking. By raising one's conception of money and the exchange of energy that happens when money is transferred, the idea of what money is gets turned on its head.

One hits an energetic wall when one conceptualizes money as something “to get as much with as one can.” If the intention is to “stretch X dollars as far as they will go”, then the real value of that money is highly limited and quickly lost. What is received for it may be of questionable quality but, more importantly, due to the limitation the exchange is set to, it cannot offer us very much energetically.

One can view their use of money from a step back, as though it were an extension of the heart, and a tool used for connection. When one spends money, one is “voting” with it and saying, “I support or believe in or love this product, or this company or this lifestyle choice.” In this way there is an exchange where one is both receiving a product or service, and is also, by their action, directing energy back to what one truly appreciates and supports. And in this way, the consumer, gets even more from a single exchange, adding a dimension to it.

By being conscious of one's use of money is this way, one becomes more energized in the positive flow of money and in the capacity to manifest what one truly wants in their life.

Is saving money on a liter of soda a hearts desire? Are local businesses who keep jobs and money flowing in the local community a hearts desire? Where your heart is, abundance will flourish in and around you.

This consciousness about money is not about it being a moral issue. It is not akin to someone cheating on their diet. It is about whether we want to promote and empower our own capacity to choose and create and to pass that energy along to those people and entities who make our lives richer.

Just as one cannot get or “make love” without giving love, one cannot “make money” without investing themselves in the process.